Thursday, September 3, 2009


I'm sitting here at almost midnight, six days to go before take off, and there are clothes, boxes and giant plastic tubs, all creating a waist high maze in my room. My goal is to whittle it all down to six (or seven) apple boxes, one plastic tub, sewing machine, blanket and pillow, and my purse. I think I'm being overly optimistic. I've sorted through all of my clothes once to take out the ones to give away, but that leaves me with roughly 14 boxes worth of clothes.... Way too many for a cross country trek! So I get to sort and prioritize my clothes once again and say goodbye to some. That's always the hardest part, because invariably a time will come when I will NEED an article of clothing that I am giving away now. So I need them all right??? :) I am sure that I will be all packed in a few days, or at least five minutes after we are planning on leaving :)

Thanks to the constantly cutting hours where I work, I haven't been able to save money like I was wanting. Fearing a rerun of "The Boise Experience," it has me more than a little worried. Then I remind myself that I'm not spending money unwisely...yes, my not stopping at a stop sign and getting a 124 dollar ticket was very unwise, but other than that, I'm doing well budgeting my money. As I pay my tithing and make smart decisions, I'm sure my needs will be taken care of somehow. I need to relax and exercise my faith in that promise.

Despite the getting rid of clothes (I needed to do it anyway) and extra stress of finding a job, I'm excited for this next step. It has tested my patience, trust and courage, but I think that is good for me. It has made me grow and step outside of my comfort zone (by 3,004 miles to be exact) which is precisely what I need to challenge me. I'm excited to get going and test out my wings! (Jonathan Livingston Seagull.... I'll have to blog about him next)


  1. Good luck with the getting rid of clothes. It's not been easy for you in the past.I'm glad you're looking forward to this. I have faith all will work out.

  2. Have a garage sale tomorrow with all of those extra clothes - more money, less stuff! And I love, love, love Jonathan Livingston Seagull... I am anxiously awaiting your next post!
