Thursday, March 18, 2010

Daytona Beach

I'm in love. The man. The beach. The rainy weather. Life is good. I can fall into the "It WOULD be better if... " trap and list off a couple of things (like family being closer, more money, master's degree, etc) but I won't say any of that :)

Yesterday we drove the hour over to Daytona beach to see Trav's cousin Dave and his family. They were staying in a condo right on the beach and I was excited to put my swimsuit on after 2 months of not using it at all. That is a crime in Florida! Swimming should be part of my bi- weekly schedule. Walking on the beach with Travis, especially when he writes TV + LE in the sand and even when he picks me up and threatens to throw me into the ocean, is one of my favorite things. I have a keeper.

We went to Sam's club and bought Travis a pair of swim shorts (next time he should be more inclined to listen to my opinion) and dinner which Dave made. It's hard to top steak, baked potatoes, salad with full-fat ranch, garlic toast and wedding reception punch aka sherbet and sprite. We all ate way too much but it was worth it.

On the drive home we spent the whole hour continuing the conversation we started with his cousins about Preach My Gospel, missionary struggles, the discussions, etc. Travis was a discussion Elder and I was a Preach My Gospel Hermana, so we had a lot of stories to compare and in the end decided that there wasn't such an extreme difference between the two. It obviously wasn't a argument over which one is better, just a discussion on how they each work and push the missionaries to develop greater teaching abilities. We came to the conclusion that we are going to study Preach My Gospel more and together. Travis is a fun one to study with since he insists on deeper understanding while knowing that you can't skip over the simple things. We had a really interesting talk about the 2 fascimilies in Abraham and I suggest a study of those much overlooked pages. It was enlightening :)


  1. Way fun and you do have a keeper.

  2. I don't think I could have done all that in one day. When are you going to Cocoa Beach to look for Jeanie???

  3. Nothing like a long car ride with a nice, deep discussion. Or walking on the beach with someone who carves your initials in the sand... awwwww, he is a keeper!
