Thursday, April 15, 2010

What we learn from Disney

Here at Disney I've learned a few things. One of them being how to make cool towel animals. Seeing a kid that is having a hard day and making a duck, dog, elephant, bird etc out of towels for them, is my favorite part of the job. It makes them happy and that is what you are supposed to be while you are at Disney World!
I found out a new talent that Travis has... He can make things out of balloons! It's a talent that I don't have, which is why I think it is pretty awesome. He made swords for his mom and Sarah (supposing they wouldn't use their fists while duking it out? ha ha ha) while we were visiting him at work one day and he made me this bracelet. It reminds me of a cute Dr. Seuss character. Quite the talented man! I wish I would have taken a picture of the swords... next time :)


  1. His best talent seems to being able to make you happy.

  2. Should we set up a booth for you both at Apple Blossom? Towels and Balloons!

  3. I would be the coolest mom if I knew how to make animals out of towels!

  4. That is very cool... and I think you should take your moms suggestion. I paid a guy $5 for balloon hats at Pike Place; you guys could make a killing!

  5. haha, I had to leave a second comment because my confirmation word on the last one was "pyroteer." Is that like a Mouskateer who likes to set fires?!?
