Sunday, November 7, 2010

The Three Important Envelopes

Today Travis spent my lunch hour with me and at the end of it pulled out 3 yellow envelopes. One labeled 1, another 2, and the last 3. He told me that each envelope had a date in the very near future and that the envelope I chose would have a very important date I would want to remember. Each envelope had a different date, so talk about PRESSURE! I chose #3. Now I know he is going to propose soon, but I don't know exactly when.... I'm glad he put thought and planning into it. Travis compared it to a game show... Let the game begin! :D


  1. Yay! I can't wait to hear all about envelope #3!

  2. Just hope the game show doesn't get you voted off the island.

  3. Wow that's being positive, dad. I just hope Monty Hall doesn't have a goat.

  4. love this....when do we start shining the motorcycle and hanging the rope?

  5. That sounds like the best game show ever!

  6. Maybe he put the same date in all the envelopes ;) So, after you texted me yesterday I came home and was so excited. I thought I was so special I got a text and Aaron told me he got one too lol...
