Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Thank you Grandma Helen!

Today was the housekeeping core class. Meaning that I sat through eLearning and classes all day and then got to make beds and clean bathrooms for the last two hours... yeah. I made ONE bed and cleaned ONE bathroom all in an hour. It was pathetic, but the other newbies were right there with me. Who knew there was more to making a bed than throwing a fitted sheet on a mattress, followed by the flat sheet and a comforter?? Making beds is a science, especially when you don't use a fitted sheet! Talk about some mad hospital corners. I was thanking Grandma the whole time I was doing the bed. I remember being in the front room of their house and she showed me how to fold one side in and then lift up and tuck, fold, etc. I may have been slow at a lot of things today, but I sure have those corners down! Thank you Grandma Helen.


  1. I'm impressed. Keep up the good work and leave some more cleaning tips.

  2. I use those hospital corners all the time!! It helps that my hubby learned them in the military too :)

  3. Good to see you appreciate the difficult upbringin' y'all had. I expect to see something about walking to school in 3 feet of snow soon.

  4. My grandma taught me about hospital corners, too. I can't make a bed without them!

  5. Been almost a week and all they taught you is what you already knew??? No news?
