Monday, November 2, 2009

Hmm... I've seen better.

The colors don't show up too well in these pictures. The skirt is blue and the top is green checkered. Not the most flattering costume, but when I'm gross and sweaty from work, who will care?? :)


  1. Looks great. Your Momma should have made you wear that outfit to clean your room back home.

  2. We stayed at the French Quarter for our Honeymoon before going on a Disney cruise. If you haven't gone on a Disney cruise yet, I highly suggest you start saving your pennies! Anyway, I am still jealous that you work there!

  3. You could have used that as your Halloween costume! :)

  4. My eyes are weeping, you look so great. My little Cinderella. I'd like to be the Fairy Godmother and not the wicked stepmother, please. Have fun at work on Wednesday.

  5. Have you ever seen the uniforms the poor Hot Dog on a Stick people have to wear? This is very stylish and flattering by comparison. It can ALWAYS be worse! :)

  6. You look gorgeous my Lindsea. Too bad you're at work right now and I'm at home, off. :D
