Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Work is work

One thing I've learned the last seven days as a mousekeeper at Disney World: It is some freaking hard work! It is doable though..... as long as my managers only give me the amount of rooms they are supposed to and not a bunch more like they tried to. Around 2 in the afternoon my feet start throbbing and I start moving slower than in the morning. One sad fact is that the first day my feet hurt the whole time, even after I went home. I woke up in the middle of the night and my first thought was that my feet didn't hurt anymore. It was exciting :) I'm gradually catching on to it and everything will work out.

In happier news I went to Mickey's Christmas party last night. I was exhausted, but couldn't help getting excited for the fun. We went on rides, our picture from Splash Mountain was awesome, and we watched a show and a parade. Not to forget some delicious food! It was a great night and I completely crashed. Now why am I up at 7:10 in the morning on my day off???


  1. The reason you are up so early on your day off are planning all the fun things you are going to do when your Ma n Pa come visit. Ain't it fun to learn new things and appreciate the little things in life?

  2. Mousekeeper? I love it!! I'm quite impressed with your attitude about the whole thing. My little girl is growing up so far from home. (Does Travis have something to do with this, I wonder?) Love you lots. Have a great day off, I know I am.

  3. The aching feet part doesn't sound fun, but the party-perks sound great! And "mousekeeper" makes me smile.
