Saturday, May 16, 2009

Most painful day yet

I did not run yesterday. I didn't do any strength training either. Instead, I woke up with intense pain and spent 30 minutes trying to drag myself upstairs to get help. As soon as I made it to the top of the stairs crawling, I was thankful to see Marissa in the kitchen. I had been screaming her name for the past half hour, trying to get her attention. But I was sure what felt like yelling for help, was only a groan barely making it past my lips. After attempting another to get Marissa to see me, she came running over. I think she was afraid to touch me because she ran outside to get my dad. My dad came in, and rolled me on my back so he could make sure it wasn't appendicitis. He called the doctor's office to see who was on call and then asked me if I wanted to change before going in. As if I cared what I looked like! I would have been fine going in naked if that meant I was relieved of the pain. But I did come up with two things I needed; a bra and deodorant. I guess those two things are important to me, even when I am not coherent enough to care about anything else. Rissa went to my room to get them and then my dad asked if I wanted a blessing. I am grateful that he was thinking about that and was able to help me out in that way. It was a great comfort to me. It was about then that I remembered that I didn't have insurance and that the pain I was feeling was probably due to a cyst rupturing. I have had one do that before and there isn't anything that the doctors could do for me besides drugging me up, so I opted to stay home and see what happened after taking some "Tylenol." Thankfully, the pill my dad gave me was a whole lot stronger than Tylenol and also knocked me out for a few hours. The soreness is still there, but it is mostly just an achey feeling now. Two days of pure laziness is what has happened. I guess that is what I needed. I will have to go running 5 miles before I leave to pick up Travis from the airport just so I don't feel so fat and lazy :)


  1. My goodness! I'm glad you are still alive!
    How nice that your dad thought to give you a blessing and you were able to figure things out.
    I hope you're feeling better.
    So what are the details of seeing Travis? I'm so confused. Are you doing a road trip or is he just comming up for a visit?
    I love you and I think your the best!

  2. He is flying into Spokane and we are driving down to Utah from there. We are also going to Yellowstone, so it should be a very fun trip! I will keep you updated :)
    I love you Jocie!
