Saturday, May 9, 2009

My First Official 5K

After falling asleep around 2 this morning, and then waking up every 30 minutes afraid that I slept in, I woke up for the last time at 7. Got dressed and was leaving when I realized I couldn't find my iPod. Still can't actually. Kellie and I went down to register and I was starting to wonder about what I have signed up for. I was the only person there that had an ounce of extra fat and didn't have those cute running shorts. I missed the message about how any overweight people had to work the water station or route lol. Kellie and I kept joking around about coming in last, but at least we would finish, when a group of about 40 girls came. They had to have been around 8-12 years old. My prayers were answered! I eyed up my competition and realized these girls would probably kick my trash too ha ha. They were part of a group called, "Girls on the Run." I had a couple cousins in the mix, so we joked and talked with them until we started the Jig.

I was planning on running with Kellie, until she wanted to walk after going .2 miles. I asked her if it was okay if I kept going and she agreed. So I kept pace with a few of the little girls until they stopped. Then I was on my own for about a mile until a few ladies caught up to me. That only lasted until I sped up to another couple of little girls. We ran together until the end. I thought the end 1/2 mile would have been the most exhausting part, but with the sides of the road lined with people cheering you on, it was so easy to keep going and even push harder. It felt wonderful to run through the gates and know that I successfully finished my first official race :)

Three lessons learned from this race:

1) Don't wait until the morning of the race to find your iPod and get your playlist on there early!
3) Take pictures during the race, so you have a better way to document the experience.

Hopefully I can fix my wrongs for the 10K next month :)

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