Friday, May 1, 2009

This Week

The after running picture :)

I know and have read several articles about having bad running days, but I never expected to have bad running weeks. All week I have been lethargic and my body has been aching. I have chalked most of it up to the cold that I have and the rest of it up to either sheer laziness or bad running shoes. Trying to help myself out, I bought new shoe inserts and a knee brace. I parked my car, got out and did my warm up lap, then realized that I forgot my brace, so I drove home to run around Dry Lake instead.

My 4 mile run turned into a 4 mile run/walk. Dry Lake is a scenic route and I hardly ever see anyone driving on that road. I was running on the left side of the road, pretty much in the dirt, when a 1/2 ton, red truck came barreling down the road behind me. Usually when people see a runner they try to get over to the opposite side of the road. Not this one. They completely came onto the wrong side of the road and I had to move so they wouldn't hit me. This was the first time in a long time that I had the urge to scream every word not appropriate for a lady to say, that my grandma taught me. Holding myself back since the truck was already 1/4 mile away, I also restrained from using gestures to express my displeasure...

Continuing on with my luck, a bug flew into my eye and it took me 1 1/2 miles to get it out. Then as soon as I did, I got harassed by a drunk group of fishermen at the campground. It was 2 in the afternoon and they were wasted! Right after I passed them I got chased by a black lab that kept jumping on me and nipping me. Not a fun experience when the biter is a dog ha ha. Jogging away, checking over my shoulder to make sure the lab wasn't there anymore, I came up on a pit bull. I would rather have the lab. The pit bull chased me with his owners yelling and running after him. We made an interesting picture I am sure. It was a relief to make it home in one piece :)

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