Saturday, June 26, 2010

Christian Romance Novels Have Messed Me Up

Christian romance novels have messed me up.
Guy meets girl. Guy likes girl. Guy wooes girl. Guy and girl are an official couple. Guy and girl have some fight or peril. Guy and girl overcome said obstacle. Guy and girl get married. Guy and girl live happily ever after.
And this all happens within a short period of time and all faults and weaknesses are seen as adorable or endearing. Why does reading books mess me up? Because it makes me come to think of relationships as formulaic. I know generally what will happen next in the book and still thouroughly enjoy reading it because I like that make believe place. The break from reality. Unfortunately, reality and make believe collide and tend to clash in parts.
Sometimes guy meets girl. Girl likes guy but guy isn't interested in girl. Months later... Guy likes girl. Guy woes girl. Guy meets girl in person. Months later.... Guy and girl are an official couple. Guy and girl have some fight or peril. Guy and girl overcome said obstacle. Year later.... Guy and girl still an official couple.
This is in direct contrast to the pattern that the Christial romance novels I have read and enjoyed my whole life have shown me. It creates the need to readjust my expectations and realize that my life would be boring if it followed such a formula. It keeps me on my toes when it strays from the expected and I need to learn to appreciate and love that. One day I will have my happily everafter. In the mean time... I'm going to go read :)


  1. Maybe you should read some Nicholas Sparks. They tend not to follow that same formula.

  2. Oh, Lindsea! Sorry you are learning hard lessons about reality. Life doesn't often follow the script. Readjusting expectations is difficult, but better to do it now than after the fairy tale wedding. I can't read romance novels either as they always set me up for a fall. And that darn Walt Disney and all his princesses... ;-)

  3. I'm sorry I made your Ma's life such a fairy tale that you didn't see reality. This is why I don't read those kinda books, just wait for the movie.

  4. Those novels have to resolve in about 300 pages; you have all of eternity! One day, this stage of your life will seem like it all happened in the blink of an eye. Hang in there! :)
