Friday, March 12, 2010

Lindsea vs. The Button-up Shirt

(Yes, my photography skills leave a lot to be desired, but you get the idea... )

About 8 years ago I bought a black button up shirt with cute embroidery on the cuffs and white pin stripes. BUT... it was too small. I can't even remember why I bought it, though I'm sure it was somewhere along the lines of, "I'll lose a few pounds and it will be perfect!" 8 years later, I have never worn it, yet it continues to make the college back and forths, Boise, Utah and Florida treks. In the back of my mind was the thought that it WOULD fit me soon. It has been tried on about 4 times a year and it was always too small. It isn't so much that I love the shirt as it has become a competition and challenge to wear it.

Well the other day I decided to try it on and.... it fit!! I was in shock when I was able to button up every single button. Awesome. I kicked some button-up shirt booty and wore it out today.


  1. Congrats Lindz!! I'm proud of you!!

  2. Yeah!! Glad the housekeeping diet is still working.

  3. That's one advantage of marathon running!

  4. WAIT ONE MINUTE! I don't see that thing buttoned up TO THE TOP! It had better be before you see Travis!

  5. well, lindz...I am extremely happy for you!! so proud! I think in a couple months i might be able to keep up with you in those marathons... :)
