Friday, March 12, 2010

Rain, rain...

I stole this picture :)

The past couple days have been ridiculously rainy. I come home from work drenched and have to put the blow dryer on my shoes for an hour to dry them out. I walk with my feet completely submerged in water just to get to my car in a flat parking lot. Florida is a moody woman with her crazy weather. Travis and I have been sharing my car since it isn't very safe (at least in my opinion!) for him to ride his motorcycle with several inches of water on the road.

I love the rain.


  1. I am glad it makes you happy. I would be a grouchy bear if I was having to spend an hour drying my shoes!

  2. Where were your flip flops? I love a good rain storm. Florida had some of the best ones when we were there while you were on your mission.

  3. I loved the rainstorms in Florida too when we were there. In less than a minute we were completely drenched. I'm excited to come visit this summer!

  4. I am with your mom. Rubber flip flops would be a good thing and pretty fun also!

  5. My favorite and most comfortable flip flops broke after 2 years :( plus I was working as a runner and had to wear dress shoes. I'm really excited for you guys to visit this summer too Rissa!
