Thursday, March 25, 2010

The Motorcycle, Mt. Dora, Sugarloaf Mountain and the Lighthouse

Travis took me on a day date yesterday. We rode his motorcycle over to Mount Dora and sat on a bench by the lake in that touristy town. It reminded me of Chelan, but with water you don't want to get into because all the signs said "Don't entice the alligators." We walked along a "nature path" in which I was sure we were going to lose a couple limbs by the time we were done. It was a wood plank walkway over swamp land... Mount Dora's version of Riverwalk Park. We didn't see the alligators (they were hiding, ready to eat us) but we did see huge snakes wrapped up in the weeds. Travis had to drag me along several times because I was sure we were going to die. The little old folks walking the same path didn't have that same fear though. I guess when it's your time, it's your time.
A little while ago I mentioned to Travis that I wanted to see all the lighthouses in Florida. I don't know if it was just a lucky destination on his part, but I like to think that he planned our date so I could see the lighthouse in Mount Dora. Very sweet of him :)
After our life threatening jaunt through the swamps, I was happy to get back to the safety of the bike. We rode around town and looked at the old houses then headed up to Sugarloaf Mountain. I love the mountains, and while this one was more of a big hill, it felt good to be on top of it. I miss my Cascade Mountains.
We finished the night off with a movie and me realizing, yet again, that I am one blessed woman.
Pictures to come.


  1. Sounds exciting. I'm glad you are looking up the lighthouses. That was my favorite part of the Oregon coast.

  2. When on earth would you have ever expected to say safety of a motorcycle?

  3. I knew dad would say something about the safety of a motorcycle.. lol Sounds like a really fun date!

  4. I hadn't seen Lindsea that freaked out since the time the zombies almost got her LOL! (The zombies, like the alligators, where all in her head)

  5. Oh Lindsea you are having too much fun in Florida! Good for you.

  6. I want to see Florida! It sounds like there are lots of interesting things to do! How fun!

  7. I am giggling at your comments about the old people. I do believe that ''when it's your time to go, it's your time to go," but I sincerely hope my time doesn't involve an alligator or a large snake! :)

    I am excited to see those lighthouse pictures. When my stepbrother was CO of Cape Disappointment he took the kids and I up into the lighthouse to look out over the Pacific Ocean. It will always be one of my favorite memories.
