Thursday, March 11, 2010

New Goals

In an effort to better prepare for the upcoming half and full marathons, I have decided to start now. My schedule keeps changing along with the weather and I'm hoping a weekly mileage goal will prove more doable. Right now that goal is 15 miles a week. 5 times of 3 miles is a good base to work from and then I can add a mile or two every week.... hope Travis can keep up!

May 8th: Pig Jig 5K
September 5th: Disneyland 1/2 Marathon
October 31: Marine Corps Marathon
January 8th: Disney World 1/2 Marathon
January 9th: Disney World Marathon

We are hoping that running the 1/2 marathon in September will help us train better for the Marine Corps one so we don't embarrass ourselves too much. The Disneyland 1/2 Marathon goal I set for myself is 2 hours 30 minutes which would put me on pace for my Marine Corps Marathon goal which is 5 hours. That is 1 hour and 39 minutes less than my last marathon, and a pretty decent time.


  1. Goals are good. Run, Lindsea, run.

  2. I still can't believe you are planning on running a half marathon the day after a marathon... you are truly inspiring (and maybe a little crazy!)

  3. ummm, flip that... you know what I mean :)
