Monday, June 22, 2009

Saul Memorial Run

The first pictures are of planting a tree at Saul's Memorial with Chayo and the boys. It was fun to see Poli willing to get dirty and work for once.

The last picture is of Bailey. It lookes like it has been photo shopped, but it was because I turned around really quick to take it and moved the camera while taking it. Surprise lol.

I was planning on running the 10K during for the run, but since I had to work and have only gone running a few times all month, decided the 5K was smarter for me. Talking with Chayo, Saul's wife, I found out that she wanted to run it, but was scared to participate by herself. She asked if I would run the 5K with her and I agreed. Funny how she didn't mention that she runs 6 miles everyday until 10 minutes before the race!!! I had already promised to run with her, but knew I was going to get my butt kicked. After a mile of sprinting, I told her she could keep going and that I had to slow down. Seriously, that lady can run. It was right after I told Chayo to keep going, that I saw my cousin Bailey with his hand on his chest and breathing really hard. His mom was taking pictures for the run, so he was by himself. I was fully aware that my time was not going to break any world records, so stopped and walked with him. I had him set goals for us. Jog to the third power pole, jog to the stop sign, etc. But jog to this kid meant sprint as fast as you can until you are gasping for air. By the end of the race I had him convinced that if you pace yourself, you will be able to run for longer distances. We finished in 37 minutes. He was fun and yes, crossed the finish line before me ;)


  1. Juliana told me that you ran with Bailey. Thank you for making it fun for him.

  2. I don't know how fun I made it for him, but it gave me someone to run with :)
